Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Google Streetview

Google Streetview finally upgraded to put Birch Hills on the web and you can see our house, and I remembered passing their vehicle and found our van.  Have you found yourself or your house on Streetview?

Monday, June 21, 2010


Class of '96.  It's hard to believe that it has been 14 years since I graduated.  A person can't help but stroll down memory lane this time of year when young minds transition from highschool to the life beyond.  The thing that I always come back to when I take this stroll, is perspective changes things completely.  That is, there are times I wish I could have some of the care-free days of highschool; unfortunately I didn't think they were care-free at the time.  Here are some things I have learned since '96; some of them were learned the hard way.
1. Zits aren't a big deal
Now I realize, I have good skin, and zits were never a huge problem for me.  But what I am really saying is somedays I leave my house and my appearance would never be acceptable for a younger version of me.  It's funny how sometimes I don't care how I look.  The other night I went downtown and on my way there I realized I was wearing sandals with black socks; it was bad enough I was wearing socks/sandals combo, but black socks.  Young Adam would have been horrified to see my dad wearing that, but now I don't care.
2. Debt sucks
Despite what society preaches all the time with financing, credit cards, and easy loans; debt sucks!  There has been many years I missed out on fun because of the mass amounts of debt I piled on shortly after highschool.  I have spent a good chunk of the last few years cleaning it up.  It sucks to work, but it sucks to work to pay for your current expenses and clean up your old ones.  I always encourage young minds to avoid student loans and credit cards as much as possible.
3. Your future isn't locked in with one decision
At my age, I have already had a few career changes, and within a few months I realized my choice at grad for career was not for me.  I feel for youth who feel they have to decide their life in grade 12, but I assure them to take their time in deciding and relax.
4. Love is not the movies
Love from the movies is so over-romanticized, and unreal; it should be no surprise that people get divorced with this loft unreal view.  The truth is love is a commitment and takes work.  I love my wife, but it was not love at first sight, it took awhile to build our relationship, and some days we drive each other nuts, but we're committed to each other.
I'm sure there was someone who tried to past advice like this to me when I was graduating, and I probably shrugged it off figuring I knew best.  I wouldn't trade the ups and downs of the last 14 years because the journey made me who I am, and the mystique of that journey ahead is what made grad exciting.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Free Agency

If you are a sports fan, and particularly a basketball fan, you have heard of and thought of the upcoming free agent boom in the NBA. (As a Knick fan I have hope)  Some of the biggest superstars in the NBA are free agents; such as Lebron, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, and Amare Stoudemire to name a few.  Some of the bottom-feeders of the league have been clearing cap space the last few seasons in anticipation of this summer hoping to sign one of these dynamic players and change the fortunes of their teams.  I have often wondered if we treated regular jobs like these athletic superstars.  The kid at the Co-op gets signed by Petro Canada for his superior skills at pumping gas; the waitress at the diner signs a multi-year deal with the Chinese restaraunt to make them a "contender". It kind of sounds ridiculous.  I'm pretty sure it would inflate egos to obnoxious levels and force many people to stay home out of disgust.  As this free agent season approaches and the hype surrounding it becomes a frenzy, I realize it's pretty ridiculous.  I think we've placed priorities on the wrong things in life and overpaid athletes when we should over-pay educators, medical professions, and law providers.  Yet again, I might forget all about that if the Knicks sign some all-stars and become contenders again; which I guess, is why I guess we are a society of free agent hype.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The secret behind the iPad

I've done it!  I've discovered the secret behind the hype of the iPad; or at least why men are hyped.  But before I get to that I have to fill you in on a bit of personal history.  For many years, I have suffered from a disorder called MPE disorder; or Male Purse Envy disorder.  It doesn't mean I' know...fruity; that I like designer handbags or anything like that.  It means that I am envious of the ability to carry around accessories like cameras etc., keys, and not having to carry my wallet in my pocket.  It was easier when I was younger.  When I was younger I had a backpack, or  gym bag.  We had things called discman's, which were portable cd players, and had carry cases you could keep stuff in.  And then there jackets;  I had a trenchcoat that had awesome pockets and could keep all kinds of stuff in it (I once took a value meal for McD's into a movie)  Recently, I've used cargo pants or different coats, but now I use a laptop bag.  Laptop bags are the answer for MPE!  People don't frown upon laptop bags like they do on male purses, saddlebags, or fannypacks. (none of which I would wear)  In my laptop bag, I carry all kinds of crap around. But here's the problem, I like my laptop, I like my laptop bag, but sometimes its too big.  So as dumb as it sounds I wish I had a smaller laptop, so I could have a smaller laptop bag.  But small laptops are lame.  Here's where iPad comes in.  iPad is supposedly cool and you could have a small laptop bag.  But I don't like the iPad; it's not cool in my eyes.  So I'm still suffering with my MPE.

(I apologize to anyone who really has MPE; it's obvious I really don't.  I don't mean to make fun of your situation, or make light of  a serious topic)
= donations can be made to the MPE foundations or where a leather ribbon on October 17th which is MPE awareness day

Monday, June 07, 2010


"I hope if dogs ever take over the world, and they chose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas." - Jack Handey

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Why didn't I think of that?

I got to thank my friend Matt Hull for directing me to my new favorite website "Stuff Christians Like"  Jon Acuff seems to be someone I would get along with.  Sometimes there are things that happen in the world of Christianity that drives me nuts, and makes me really wonder "What would Jesus do?"  Jon makes observations of different quirky things of Christianity and makes you think or snicker.  Check it out:  I recommend starting with his Archives section and working your way through the 700+ entries.