Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The secret behind the iPad

I've done it!  I've discovered the secret behind the hype of the iPad; or at least why men are hyped.  But before I get to that I have to fill you in on a bit of personal history.  For many years, I have suffered from a disorder called MPE disorder; or Male Purse Envy disorder.  It doesn't mean I'm...you know...fruity; that I like designer handbags or anything like that.  It means that I am envious of the ability to carry around accessories like cameras etc., keys, and not having to carry my wallet in my pocket.  It was easier when I was younger.  When I was younger I had a backpack, or  gym bag.  We had things called discman's, which were portable cd players, and had carry cases you could keep stuff in.  And then there jackets;  I had a trenchcoat that had awesome pockets and could keep all kinds of stuff in it (I once took a value meal for McD's into a movie)  Recently, I've used cargo pants or different coats, but now I use a laptop bag.  Laptop bags are the answer for MPE!  People don't frown upon laptop bags like they do on male purses, saddlebags, or fannypacks. (none of which I would wear)  In my laptop bag, I carry all kinds of crap around. But here's the problem, I like my laptop, I like my laptop bag, but sometimes its too big.  So as dumb as it sounds I wish I had a smaller laptop, so I could have a smaller laptop bag.  But small laptops are lame.  Here's where iPad comes in.  iPad is supposedly cool and you could have a small laptop bag.  But I don't like the iPad; it's not cool in my eyes.  So I'm still suffering with my MPE.

(I apologize to anyone who really has MPE; it's obvious I really don't.  I don't mean to make fun of your situation, or make light of  a serious topic)
= donations can be made to the MPE foundations or where a leather ribbon on October 17th which is MPE awareness day


Jay Nelson said...

MPE Awareness Day on October 17th. . . I'll make sure to mark that on my calendar!!haha. . . The ipad is really just a large ipod touch (which is pretty cool) but the masses are only going crazy for it since the media tells us to go crazy for it. I think it shows how the media tells us who we are and what we need to be "complete". . . I'm not even sure that if i had tons of money, I would buy an ipad. . . they seem like a waste of money.

Adam said...

Mom wants one!