Thursday, January 06, 2011

New York Adam

I thought it was pretty obvious to anyone that knew me that I am a NewYork sports fan.  I often wear a clothing or hats from the Yankees, Rangers, Jets, or Knicks.  I don't follow many weekly shows because I watch a lot of sports; New York sports.  One of my only nicknames besides "Nelson" was "New York Adam".  Why am  I bringing this up?  Recently on facebook people have been commented on my profile pic which is the logo of the Knicks; usually something like, "why do you have that picture?" or "when did you become a NY fan?"  Seriously people? Really?  I feel like these people have completely overlooked who I am.  I feel like that guy who came up to my brother and I all excited to see us and we had absolutely no clue who he was.  I know sometimes I can be withdrawn about certain areas about my life or I am selective in who I share certain details, but I'm pretty sure this part of my life was obvious.  My brother who doesn't follow sports still thought (and was right) that a Knicks hat would be a sweet birthday gift for me. (Which he gave with a Yankees shirt; thanks Jay)  Maybe it is a continuing sign that the internet creates these superficial relationships or the false sense that we really know someone.  So to clear things up: I am a huge New York fan.

1 comment:

Jay Nelson said...

I remember that guy that we had no idea who he was. . . still don't, although I have some idea! haha! And yeah, the internet, well facebook specifically, creates the appearance of relationships when it's really just superficial connection. . . anyone who actually knows you, knows that you're a New York fan.