Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I have a new love and it's name is Blackberry.  I hope it doesn't turn into an idol in my life, but I find my new Blackberry a wonderful thing.  Not only is it a good working phone, but I love the convenience of the data plan.  I don't live for my facebook and twitter accounts, but I do enjoy having the convenience of checking them.  The still camera is pretty good.  The convenience of checking stuff online while I watch my sports etc. is pretty cool; much easier than hauling out the laptop and powering it up.  The apps are pretty cool as well.  One in particular, is one that keeps your accounts in order:  lists all your different accounts, their usernames and passwords; so the only password you need to remember is the one for the app.  If you are like me with a hundred different online accounts at various websites it can be hard to remember for all the different ones.  Blackberry messenger is also pretty cool giving you much better options than standard text.  Hopefully you can get one too so I can add you to my Blackberry contacts

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