Friday, November 24, 2006

Shake them Jowels

Have you ever shaken your face wildly and felt your cheeks and lips shake about; kind of like a dog when it's all wet. And then while you are doing that you thought you should get a person to take a picture so they can catch your face in distortment. Oh, the hilarity that would follow that would be priceless. Someone spent sometime thinking about this and has created a website chalked full with hilarious pictures of dopes, like the one you see on the side, shaking their faces wildly for the camera. Check it out at:


Jason said...

Adam, have you tried this? I would think that your face would be good for it, because you have that unique kind of skin that can stretch a mile, then come back to normal.

Adam said...

Yes, I look like a dog when I do this, but there's no way I'm posting a picture of it.

Jason said...

Adam's face! Adam's face! Adam's face! Adam's face! Adam's face! Adam's face! Everybody now! Adam's face! Adam's face! Adam's face! Adam's face! Adam's face!