Sunday, September 03, 2006

Scary side of being Married

Last night I found one of the scary sides of being married when I had to take my lovely wife to the hospital. Rachelle is an asthmatic. This week with harvest going on around the province as well as animals an other allergey triggers her asthma has been bad. Yesterday we were in Leask visiting her relatives and she had an attack. The problem: her inhaler was at home. So we left and her breathing got worst, her chest ached as it struggled to get air, and her body got incredibly sore. We stopped at the Shellbrooke hospital where a very attentive staff put her on two air masks and a bunch of medicine to loosen her esophagus and lungs. I won't lie there was a minute on the way to Shellbrooke I got scarred of losing her and felt helpless. Recently I remember someone commenting how they hated the risk in relationships; how you can set yourself up for heartache or hurt. The risk is part of the reward. This situation has reminded me how precious my wonderful wife is and how lucky I am to have her. By the way, Rachelle is just fine. The doctor told her what I've been telling her: she needs a better, stronger inhaler; especially during summer.

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