Thursday, August 17, 2006

Lookin' Good

I know it's tough being this good-looking; what can I say? The truth is I wanted to change my profile picture and you have to use a picture that you blogged with, so that's why I loaded it up.

I saw the new Will Ferrell movie; it's a little crude, but hilarious. This week I've been helping my awesome wife with her VBS program; she's had 53 kids, it's sweet. I've been hanging with Cole and Scott M.; they've been a big help at VBS and cool to hang with. We just had an awesome steak dinner and some good times.
Hey, before I forget I am finally throwing a bunch of the youth movies onto a DVD; if you are interested in a copy, comment and let me know, there might be a cost. Watching the movies reaffirms how much I miss the youth, and I thank God for the awesome times we had of fun and exploring God. Peace out for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adam I don't know if you will ever see this but this is Tim and if i could still get a youth video that would be cool