Saturday, June 17, 2006

Goodbye open noon

This last week was the beginning of the end. Thursday was the last open noon hour. Open noon hours were just a peak of a dream of mine to have a functioning drop-in center in BH; except it would be open several hours a day. Open noon hours were the times I thought our youthgroup was like a family. It was always cool to see who showed up. Some of our regulars started coming to youth because of open noon hour, and for some people it was the only time we saw them. Thanks to all of you who made it overall a wonderful time, and full of fond memories. What's yours? Post them in the comments.

Last night we went swimming at Frank Dunn; my ears still hurt from getting those rings out of the diving pool. Looking forward to football today.

This next week: Softball for fun wed. 6:30 (last one), Last Biblestudy Thurs. 7:30


Anonymous said...

thank you so much for everything Adam, it means alot that you care about us all so much and call us family, it makes it even more real that your leaving us! My favorite memory of all was the day Ame dident know much... it was nice of you to explain to her what cercomsishen is! haha, at least she dident have to ask later! haha, thanks again adam... u rock!

Anonymous said...

that was me by the way... lol woops
