Saturday, June 24, 2006

Melon Festival is a "smash"

Friday night was Melon Festival. From my perspective it seemed like everyone got a bit sticky, full of watermelon, and had a good time. There were a variety of events such as:

- Ultimate Cantelope> Just like ultimate frisbee, but with cantelopes; a little harder to throw, a little harder to catch, and they split open and make a mess on your clothes. Plus if you spike a football after a touchdown, you don't wreck the football.

- Steal the Honeydew> people are numbered and lined up. When a number is called the two people run to the honeydew and try to bring it back to the middle, while the other is trying to stop them.

- Watermelon toss > partners line up in front of each other, and toss the watermelon. After every toss, they take a step back. If the watermelon drops and break they are out.

- Helmet Carving> groups take watermelons and try to carve the most decorate and creative helmets ( pictures above)

It was a cool evening, as always. Note the final events this week:

- Wed. Farmer Survivor 2:00 @ Berge's Farm. Bus leaves 1:45 from office. Bring swimsuit.

- Thurs. Youth Golf Tournament Talk to Adam

- Friday Canada day BBQ @ Cochrane's Food, Games etc. Bus leaves office @ 6:00pm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The wednesday youth will be my last one becasue im going to Watrous to visit family for the long weekend! I just wanted to say that i hope you keep this site and keep us updated on how you are doing! Im sure everyone would love that! You are going to be missed so much! You are the greatest Youth pastor anyone could ever ask for! You alwase found a way to make everything fun, and you had a nack for thinking of the coolest youths ever! i mean come on... Ducktape day! Mellon Fest?? BANANARAMA! lol... we are all going to dread when you leave, and we wish you the best!
