Saturday, September 30, 2006

What happened to customer service?

Did I miss something? Don't money I spend in a store go towards paying the salaries of the people working there? Lately I have noticed people who appently hate their jobs and feel the need to take out their frustration on people like me, and make me feel like dirt for spending money in their store. I understand work sucks; that's why we call it work, but without customers there wouldn't work. No work, no money, no things money buys.

Where did this attitude develop that customers are the enemy? Call me old fashion, but I believe people are hired in retail to provide a service, make a sale, and let the customer feel it was worth spending their money there and worth coming again to do so.

I understand that customers suck! As much as I dislike bad customer service, I dislike it when customers are absolute demanding jerks! And I suppose that's why people give bad customer service. If you are one of those dink customers: smarten up! Sadly, in restaraunts its often the Christians that have a bad rep for being demanding, rude, and poor tippers. (Both Rachelle and I know this first hand)

As a Christian I have always believed that the best way we can be witnesses in our workplace is by working hard, without complaining, and a cheerful heart. Think about those 3 qualities. If you worked with someone like that, wouldn't it be more enjoyable? Wouldn't you want to work with them? Wouldn't you feel like stepping your own game up to work as hard? Wouldn't non-believers be drawn to whatever made you different?

Due to the lack of work ethic, there is great opportunity to let our lights shine in the workplace. Whether you are a worker or a customer "let your light shine, so they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven."


Anonymous said...

hey adam...sounds like suml got shafted by a cashier am i rite? lol but ya... kool info after the venting
Tamera-MLBC staff

The Erickson Family said...

Well, hello stranger! Firstly, congratulations on your marriage! Secondly, why don't you return my e-mails?! It was fun to see you in 2001 when I was up for Colin & Wendy's wedding, but I haven't heard from you since. :o(

SOOOO neat that you are the youth pastor at the Church! I was wishing I was there for the Bigger and Better hunt. I loved those!

I just found your blog from Jason's. Please visit ours! Lots of news on there! We're having a baby!


~ Shannon Overland Erickson (

Anonymous said...

So A, has some cashier or store clerk sent you on this rant - or - is Rachelle the victim here? Actually i agree. I stood in the A & W in PA a couple weeks ago and could have sworn that I was invisible. I mean three servers looked at me but didn't come to the counter to ask me what I wanted. Then in the co-op here, I had to go look for the guy to get my gas. Maybe I left my cloaking device inadvertently on. So how are you, really? You guys are still invited for supper.

Anonymous said...

amen adam!