For the ninth year in a row the New York Yankees have won their divisional title. People are constantly knocking the Yankees to my face saying they "suck" and to me it don't make sense. Everyone also says that they buy their success, but that's crap too. Yes, they have they highest payroll, but there are lots of teams that spend lots of money without the same sucess.(Red Sox, Blue Jays, Astros, Cubs) This year alot of their high-priced talent were hurt, but through an excellent farm system they came through again. At one time the Yankees looked like they weren't going to make the playoffs, now it looks like they will posibly be in the World Series again.
The other cool thing is that a two nights ago, the Mets clinched their first division title in 15 years, and they are the favorite to make the World Series from the National League. That would mean another Subway Series!! Back in 2000, the one and only Subway series went to a much better Yankees team; their 4th straight. It didn't matter who won; it was awesome watching both teams advance through the playoffs. I was at Briercrest and took a lot of flack from Yankee haters. I also had to go out of my way to catch the games on TV; even going to Regina. This year I am looking forward to catching all the games, as I don't have to work in the evenings and I have a satelite dish ready to catch all action. (yes, I warned Rachelle, and she knows how important it is to me) And I look forward to all the people that rip on my teams having to zip their lips for another year as the greatest sports town triumphs again.
Go yankees.
i'm still holding out hope for the blue jays...
Go Astros!
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