Sunday, September 03, 2006

Beautiful Sask

Last week I went with my wife on vacation. 3 days and nights at Emma Lake. We were very blessed to be allowed to use a friend's cabin, which was private lakefront property. Everynight we got to sit by the beach and look at the still lake and the painted sky. You know people may diss Saskatchewan for various reasons, but I still dispute it is one of the most beautiful places in Canada. Living in BH means we are barely 1 hour away from beautiful lakeland where as a believer in God I can appreciate His workmanship even more. In the picture I am looking to the side because it looks cool and I'm hiding the otherside of my face which was swollen from my rotten tooth.


Matt said...

So true

LJE said...

hey.....found your blog thru jason's.

i totally agree with you about SK being so beautiful, especially the lakes around that area - spent a week at christopher, and lots of time at candle this summer, and it's so amazing every single time.

and a belated congrats on your marriage, the best to both of you!