Friday, October 06, 2017

Clear my head

Today, I need to clear my head; if the constant stress and headache of work wasn't enough, I have a life-changing decision to make and I preach next weekend .....So everything is a hodge-podge soup up in my brain.
Work is a flaming plane twirling to the ground, firing the last bit of ammo at any enemy force it sees.  Probably one of the biggest mistakes my boss made was hiring someone else for the office.  For quite some time I was oblivious to the ridiculous around, but having to explain the ridiculous and answer questions about the ridiculous you's ridiculous.  It's like you hear your voice on tape and your reaction is, "Do I sound like that?"
Then you realize you work in ridiculous, like up to your neck in ridiculous and that often pain in your chest or head is the constant strain you've put on yourself to somehow make right in the ridiculous; a necessity so you can walk past the mirror and not flip the bird to the guy on the other side.
So what do you do?
Money is money, bills are bills; people count on you to provide.
People say you need to do something you enjoy, but I believe that's a modern fairy-tale; you think my great-grandfather who shoveled coal was happy? No, he survived.
Yet, in the same breath how useful are you if you work yourself thin and even into the grave?  Sometimes you do have to stand-up for yourself and do what's best for you and leap into the unknown.